“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” (Bill Gates)

In April of 2008, we opened our campus and began providing a place specifically designed for leaders to plan, think, and advance their business.

We thought about our people and about our community. We dreamed of the leaders that would step on our campus to build a better business and a more aligned leadership style. We thought of the countless employees who count on their executives to strategize, plan, and build. And over the last decade, we’ve had the privilege of seeing our vision play out on the campus we always dreamed about. In our digital age, it’s easy to forget the power of place—a tangible space for a specific activity.

The Aileron campus was created for people to gather in a physical space in order to fully realize their best and most ambitious work. Over the past 10 years, we’ve seen people across the nation and across the street do just that walking around campus. As we reflect back on the past decade, we wanted to share a few insights that have made us even more excited for the next 10 years.

1) Over 1.2 Million People Enjoyed Our Campus

We don’t celebrate this number but we do celebrate the people. People from all levels of all types of businesses came to experience a place built just for working on the business—not just in the business. These leaders have stories upon stories of how coming to our campus clarified their vision, fueled their growth, and energized their strategy. And it’s a privilege to know that our campus played a part.

2) 1,235 Businesses From Over 45 States Visited Our Campus

We love southwest Ohio. Many of our employees are from here and we are heavily invested in seeing this small part of the country thrive. But we envision a reach beyond the Midwest. Why? Because getting stuck isn’t simply a Midwest problem. We recognize that professional management is just as rare in California as it is in Ohio. Reaching 45 states tells us that Aileron is helping people with a national problem: running a successful business. And this makes us incredibly excited for the next 10 years—and final 5 states.

3) 1,808 Presidents/CEOs Explored Our Campus

Before you experience change you must have a healthy appetite for it. At some point, this hunger needs to involve the very top before the middle management can get moving. Having nearly 2,000 CEOs on our campus tells us that there is a real appetite for change in the modern business. People know they can do better they just don’t know how to get there. Knowing that so many senior leaders took time to come to a physical place (not a web conference) lets us know we’re solving very real and pressing need: space to create a better tomorrow.

As we reflect on the last decade, we’re thrilled but not content. We know that there are thousands of more leaders that are looking for a place to sit, think, and plan. We know that millions of employees are directly impacted by management techniques and strategies. And we know that our work has just begun.

We’d love for you to join the Aileron community and experience a place designed to help you flourish. Together, we’re building better businesses so we all have better lives.

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