Ways to Get Started with Aileron

Because every business and leader is different, we’ve designed many ways for you to begin your work with Aileron. Review these options, and if you’re still not sure, reach out for a one-on-one conversation.

Ways to Get Started with Aileron

Because every business and leader is different, we’ve designed many ways for you to begin your work with Aileron. Review these options, and if you’re still not sure, reach out for a one-on-one conversation.

Aileron Intro to Professional Management

Discover a proven system for running a thriving business in Intro to Professional Management

Professional management is a systematic way to run a business that helps business owners and leaders get out of the day-to-day and focus on the most important parts of the business. Aileron’s professional management system emphasizes seven disciplines that need to be thoughtfully and proactively managed for the owner, team, and organization to thrive.

Who it's for | Aileron

Who it’s for

Business Owners, Presidents CEOs

Service Location | Aileron


Offered in person at Aileron’s Campus and virtually

Who's in the room | Aileron

Who’s in the room

Like-minded peers and your Aileron Facilitator

Service Format | Aileron


Facilitated workshop

Service Investment | Aileron





2 hours

“[Without professional management], we wouldn’t have grown our sales by 150% over the past year. We wouldn’t have added 3 employees. For 30 years we were 6 people; since coming to Aileron, we’re 9.”

Sandie Lange, owner of Swath Design

Clay Mathile speaks to Course For Presidents class

Learn how to change your business and lead with confidence in Course for Presidents®

Do you crave space and support for working on and changing the parts of your business that need your attention? In Course for Presidents, you’ll step out of the day-to-day, onboard to Aileron’s DOC System of Professional Management, assess your business against the model, and begin to design a plan to change the parts of your business that need attention.

After the workshop, you’ll process real challenges you’re facing one-on-one with an Aileron Business Coach.

Who it's for | Aileron

Who it’s for

Business owners, presidents, CEOs, and leaders transitioning into these roles

Service Location | Aileron


Aileron’s Campus in Tipp City, Ohio

Who's in the room | Aileron

Who’s in the room

10-15 like-minded owners, presidents, and CEOs

Service Format | Aileron



Two-day facilitator-led workshop


Business Coaching

Service Investment | Aileron





20-22 hours of learning

“If you own or operate any business and are looking for help growing your business, look no further than Aileron! I just recently finished Course for Presidents. I feel like I got a master’s degree in business management in two days.”

Participant feedback

Get one-on-one support, guidance, and accountability with Business Coaching

Designed for Business Owners, Business Coaching builds your confidence for running a thriving organization by providing one-on-one accountability and guidance from a trusted advisor who situationally pulls in proven tools, frameworks, and resources to support your goals and growth.

Who it's for | Aileron

Who it’s for

Business Owners, Presidents CEOs

Service Location | Aileron


Virtually, at Aileron’s Campus, or at your location

Who's in the room | Aileron

Who’s in the room

You and your Aileron Business Coach

Service Format | Aileron


One-on-one sessions plus just-in-time support to process challenges between sessions via phone or email

Service Investment | Aileron



12 sessions

6 sessions

“I finally felt like I wasn’t alone. [My Business Coach] challenged me on things that I never would have changed. I realized that my Coach was there to help and guide me. So I listened — and if I hadn’t listened, I would be out of business.”

Participant feedback

Peer Group for Presidents | Aileron

Learn With and From Other Business Owners in Peer Group for Presidents

Peer Group for Presidents is an opportunity for business owners, presidents, and CEOs who are installing and/or practicing professional management to continuously improve, benefit from peer-to-peer accountability, and learn with and from others.

These intimate, 10- to 16-member small groups create an environment rich with shared understanding, empathy, peer-to-peer learning, and connection. Members benefit from:

  • Receiving honest advice and feedback from trusted peers with no conflict of interest
  • Belonging to a community of like-minded peers who understand the unique challenges of business ownership
  • Learning best practices and hard-won lessons from other leaders
  • Sharing your own knowledge and experience to help your peers on their own journeys
Who it's for | Aileron

Who it’s for

Presidents, CEOs, and business owners who are installing and/or practicing professional management

Service Location | Aileron



In person on Aileron’s Campus

Virtually via Zoom

Who's in the room | Aileron

Who’s in the room

9-15 other presidents, CEOs, and business owners facing similar challenges

Service Format | Aileron


Peer Groups are structured sessions led by an Aileron Facilitator

Service Investment | Aileron



Campus: $4,800/year
Virtual: $2,400/year


Campus: 10x/year for 4 hours
Virtual: 10x/year for 2 hours

“During challenging times, it is good to have a group that may have some experiences that can help navigate a future course of action… I always pick up at least one concept or idea (no matter how minor) to think about (or implement) when I return to the office.”

Participant feedback

Aileron Discovery

Learn more about Aileron in Discovery

Not sure where to begin? Discovery is a complimentary service designed for business owners and presidents. When you tell us you’re ready to learn more, your Aileron journey can begin with a conversation that’s casual and candid; you don’t need to come with anything prepared. We’ll talk through what’s working, what’s not, and where you want to be.

Who it's for | Aileron

Who it’s for

Business owners, presidents, and CEOs

Service Location | Aileron


Virtually via Zoom

Who's in the room | Aileron

Who’s in the room

You and an Aileron representative

Service Format | Aileron


A private and candid conversation

Service Investment | Aileron





45 minutes

“Working with Aileron has been instrumental in helping me more than double my company’s revenue in the past three years.”

Aileron client

Still unsure where to start? Take Aileron’s Official Professional Management Assessment

Seven minutes can tell you which areas of your business are thriving, and which need your attention.

Aileron Professional Management Assessment