Learn with Aileron: What’s Your Natural Energetic Response to Stress? | Aileron

A tenet of Aileron’s DOC System of Professional Management is conscious leadership — the belief that leading others begins with leading yourself first. A core part of self-leadership is energetic awareness: knowing how we’re showing up and shifting your own energy to more intentionally support others.

Many of our services that contain conscious leadership concepts begin with an Energy Leadership Index assessment. This tool helps translate how you experience the world into your energy profile:  a rich document filled with information about your natural energetic tendencies, and an easy-to-read set of bar charts that show 1) your energetic profile and 2) your energetic stress reaction.

What’s Your Natural Energetic Response to Stress? | Aileron

Your energetic profile shows your typical energy level in normal circumstances.

What’s Your Natural Energetic Response to Stress? | Aileron

Your energetic stress reaction shows how you typically show up in stress.

You can read more about energetic responsibility and the 7 levels of energy here.

The two primary energetic stress reaction levels are level one and level two. Knowing which one you naturally gravitate toward can help you better navigate stress and guide yourself through stressful situations.

Level one stress response: The Victim

Individuals who default to level one in stress tend to feel powerless and like life is happening to them. They often feel like their situation is the consequence of factors outside of their control and respond from a place of fear or hopelessness.

  • Common thoughts: I am powerless. I am overwhelmed. Why bother?
  • Common emotions: Apathy, guilt, worry, fear, embarrassment
  • Common actions: Lethargy, low engagement, avoiding confrontation

Level two stress response: The Antagonist

Individuals who default to level two tend to instigate more conflict in response to stress. They might show up from a place of anger or exhibit other intense emotions, and may also judge themselves, others, or the situation at hand.

  • Common thoughts: Life is a struggle — I’m going to win and you’re going to lose.
  • Common emotions: Anger, resentment, blame, greed
  • Common actions: Defiance, micromanagement, overreaction

Learn more about your energetic profile

In Explore Conscious Leadership, you’ll take the ELI Assessment and explore not just your own energy levels, but how to identify the energy of others and shift your own energy to improve your collaborations, conversations, and overall leadership style.

You’ll also learn other conscious leadership concepts that you can immediately begin to practice to level-up your leadership style.