You’re invited to Founder’s Day 2025
Join us for our complimentary Founder’s Day events throughout the month of January
Founder’s Day is an annual opportunity for the Aileron community to gather, advance Aileron’s mission, and perpetuate Clay Mathile’s legacy through a month of Learning, Doing, and Giving – three pillars Clay adamantly believed were the foundations of a meaningful life and organization.
You’re invited to Founder’s Day 2025
Join us for our complimentary Founder’s Day events throughout the month of January
Founder’s Day is an annual opportunity for the Aileron community to gather, advance Aileron’s mission, and perpetuate Clay Mathile’s legacy through a month of Learning, Doing, and Giving – three pillars Clay adamantly believed were the foundations of a meaningful life and organization.
This year’s theme: The Power of Perspective
Perspective is one of a business leader’s most powerful tools; seeing a circumstance or problem from a different vantage point can spark clarity, unlock ideas and insights, fortify relationships, catalyze mindset shifts, and empower more informed and aligned decision-making. This year’s Founder’s Day events create opportunities for business leaders to learn how to harness perspective to improve their businesses.
“I believe everyone should spend a third of their life learning, a third [doing], and a third giving it away.”
Clay Mathile
“I believe everyone should spend a third of their life learning, a third [doing], and a third giving it away.”
Clay Mathile
Ways to participate in Founder’s Day
Founder’s Day Celebrations Throughout the Month of January
Finding Perspective with Empowering Questions
When: January 21 from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. virtually
Who: Business leaders
All of us, at one time or another, need to get out of our own heads to see things clearly. Sometimes experiencing a new perspective is as simple as asking the right question.
In this session, you’ll learn how a conscious leadership skill – asking empowering questions – can help you lead others to discover new perspectives and ideas and even spark thought shifts for yourself.
Finding Perspective Through External Analysis
When: January 23 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. virtually
Who: Individuals leading your organization’s strategy
Sometimes perspective comes not from another person but from another vantage point. In this session, you’ll learn a method for looking outside your business to improve it. Your Facilitator will guide you to actively assess external trends, threats, and opportunities that could impact your business, empowering you to experience a new perspective and spark ideas.
Find perspective on Campus with a complimentary Campus Day Pass

This January, spend a day away from the office and find perspective on Campus with a single-use Campus Day Pass – a complimentary opportunity for you and one colleague to work in any of our common spaces on Campus for one day.
Join us yourself and share this gift with a fellow business owner or peer who could benefit from a day on Campus. To secure your pass and schedule your visit, complete the Campus Day Pass request form.
Give back to Aileron and perpetuate Clay’s legacy

When Clay founded Aileron, he intended for the organization to support future generations of American business owners forever — and we plan to. To preserve Clay’s dream indefinitely, Aileron started our Forever Fund — our investment portfolio — in 2012 to bolster our long-term sustainability.
For those who feel called to perpetuate Clay’s dream of supporting business owners and teams across America, we invite you to donate either Clay’s birthdate — $111 — or his birth year — $1,941 — in the month of January. Your gift will go directly to Aileron’s Forever Fund.
Credit Card and ACH donations are processed through our partners at the Dayton Foundation. To donate via check, please make the check payable to Aileron and mail it to 8860 Wildcat Road, Tipp City, Ohio 45371 to the attention of Accounting. Aileron is a 501(c)(3) public charity and contributions are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer.
Explore photos from Founder’s Day 2023