Professional Management is a Team Sport | Aileron

If you’re familiar with Aileron and the DOC System, you’ve likely heard first-hand accounts of the power of professional management — or experienced it yourself in your own organization. (If you haven’t, start here.) Professional management can transform a business, empower sustainable growth, alleviate stress, and improve the lives of every person in your organization.

But if professional management is only a best-kept secret, instead of a transparent practice, you’re shackling the potential of this system to do transformative work. In this post, we’ll explore a few positive outcomes of making professional management part of your culture at all levels of the organization — and how you can bring your team with you on your professional management journey.

Professional management creates shared language and knowledge

Professional management houses concepts and tools that empower individuals to make better decisions, lead more effectively, and build a thriving organization and culture. But if your team isn’t speaking the same language, you’re likely to encounter confusion that limits the potential for professional management to create change.

If a team member were to hear a leader of the organization say, “I’d love to have a level 5 discussion about the future of the product,” or, “let’s regroup on our value prop canvas before going forward,” they’ll need context to participate in the conversation. Bringing them along with your work in the DOC System gives them that context and lets them move your organization’s most meaningful work forward with you.

Professional management prepares your team to lead

When you introduce team members at all levels of the organization to professional management concepts, you’re beginning to actively nurture their learning and development, and equipping them with language and tools used by leaders in your organization. When it’s time to promote a member of your team, you’ll have a pool of prepared leaders-in-waiting.

Bring your leadership team with you on your professional management journey

Onboarding your leadership team to professional management unleashes the power of the DOC System to transform not just the work and life of the President or CEO, but the entire organization. Our workshop Activating Professional Management gives you an opportunity to onboard key team members in your organization to Aileron’s DOC System of Professional Management.

In the workshop, your leadership team will learn core professional management concepts to create shared language and knowledge across your organization. They’ll return to work ready to participate in implementing professional management across your organization, and prepared to play a key role in your business’s growth.

Ready to onboard your team to professional management?