Aileron  is  driven by our values of  community  and transparency.  Just like you, we’re processing the world around us as it  unfolds,  and  we are interested in how you are adjusting  to  the  new  safe business  practices.  

We created a survey to learn how our community is adjusting to operating their businesses according to the re-entry guidelines. Our goal was to understand how you’re feeling during this time and share your thoughts anonymously within the rest of the community. 

Survey responses from more than 40 participants show the majority are working with a combination of on-site and virtual work, staying socially distanced in the workplace, making their own cleaning supplies, and providing masks to their employees.  

Participants shared their flexibility and frustrations on managing the changes they are currently dealing with to run their businesses effectively during these unprecedented times. They said mask wearing has affected face-toface interactions and the ease of talking to one another, but as time goes on, they have gotten used to the “new normal.” Some have redesigned office spaces or limited the capacity allowed within their buildings to accommodate social distancing guidelines.  

Here are some additional key findings we pulled from the results. To download the full report, click here. 

 How do you plan to navigate limiting the capacity at your business? 

We’re bringing in staff gradually, making sure that there is adequate personal space for each new person as they come back to the office. 

We are investigating staggered work schedules to minimize the number of employees in the facility at one time. We will also reduce significantly the number of visitors (vendors and customers) to our facility.” 

We are making sure that everyone is at least 6 feet away from each other, if not possible people need to wear a mask. We have provided every employee with a washable mask. 

 Are there any changes you are considering on re-designing your office space and work environment? 

Redesigned some areas of the plant to move workstations further away from each other. Everyone has assigned seats in the lunchroom and break area that are more than 6′ apart. All doors inside are left open and all lights are left on, so employees don’t have to touch those surfaces. Employees clean in shifts, with each employee taking one shift a week. 

We have been open this entire time. Everyone works six feet apart. We added two feet above our cubicle walls. Because we are a manufacturing company, 85% of our employees must be onsite. We are bringing our remote employees back on June 1. These employees need to be onsite to preserve our culture, strengthen our team and fight off silo building. 

 How do you plan to enforce your mask policy? 

 “Treat it the same as all other safety procedures: 1) Create a cultural value around it by telling all employees that they are expected to follow it and demand other employees follow 2) Have management follow up and take disciplinary actions against infractions as needed.” 

 We won’t require employees to wear them while in their individual offices, but they’ll need to when they walk about the office. We’ll lead by example and remind those who forget. 

 How do you anticipate that wearing a mask will change the face-to-face experience? (For example: How could wearing a mask impact the face-to-face experience at your business and does that lead to other changes?) 

 “It has had a huge detrimental impact on our culture already (7 days in). People are not getting up from their workspaces to talk with people as frequently (because they have to put the face covering on whenever they are not working alone at their desk). The office is much quieter and much less in person collaboration. 

Our sales force is concerned about that as they feel they need real face to face to effectively sell our services. For now, they are working with Zoom and Teams meetings with customers but hope to have face to face meetings again with proper social distancing still being maintained. 

How will you navigate and document self-reporting and self-diagnosis? 

Temperature checks are taken by supervisor at beginning and end of each work shift for each employee.” 

Honor system for self-diagnosis. We provide PPE and temperature taking device for everyone. If someone is sick, we require that they inform us. Those cases will be documented.” 

The employees enter through one door every morning and we ask a few health questions. We also are taking their temperatures then they sign a document with their answers and temperature. 

 How are you making accommodations for families regarding issues like access to daycare, school closures, and caring for the elderly? 

We are offering flexible hours and work from home opportunities. 

We will maintain a virtual workspace for whomever needs it to manage their family life. We also allow flex time to help alleviate daytime concerns. 

We are following the guidelines of the FFCRA Act.