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Part 1 of 4

Identifying Your Primary Pain

Which one of these pain points resonates with you?

What pain point resonates most with your experience?Our team has a lack of clear focus (vision and priorities) for our company.
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Part 2 of 4

Taking a Look Inward

Which of these statements most aligns with where you are today? Try not to judge your response. When you’re truly honest about where you are, we’re able to meet you there and provide the most realistic and helpful path forward.

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So that we can offer personalized recommendations, it helps us to know a little bit more about where you’re at. Everyone’s reality and philosophy differs, and there is no right or wrong answer to the following questions. Consider this a “judgement free zone.”

Read each pair of statements below. Which statement most resonates with where you find yourself today?A. I take courageous action.
Read each pair of statements below. Which statement most resonates with where you find yourself today?A. I admit mistakes and take ownership of problems.
Read each pair of statements below. Which statement most resonates with where you find yourself today?A. I lean in and grow by asking curious questions.
Read each pair of statements below. Which statement most resonates with where you find yourself today?A. I can give time and energy to working on how I run the business.
Read each pair of statements below. Which statement most resonates with where you find yourself today?A. I’m invested in focusing on long-term results.
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Part 3 of 4

Anchoring to Professional Management

One of the most readily adopted approaches to professional management is Aileron's DOC System of Professional Management. This system was fathered by Clay Mathile who used this methodology to grow the Iams Company.

The DOC System is built upon three fundamentals, which are also its namesake.

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  • Direction: Establishing the future desired state and influencing the organization to reach it
  • Operation: Aligning the organization to achieve the future desired state
  • Control: Holding the organization accountable to reach the future desired state
  • In this portion of the assessment, you'll think about your business in each of these areas.

Not at all trueRarely trueSometimes trueOften trueVery true
Strategic goals are visible, achievable, and integrated into the organization’s everyday work.
Our strategy evolves as our company and the external environment do; it’s a living part of our organization to which we’re always tending.
Communication is transparent. Sharing happens often and organically. Leaders ask questions, seek input, and listen actively.
Leaders are self-aware, connected with the team, and in tune with the needs of the organization.
Work and life exist in harmony.
Not at all trueRarely trueSometimes trueOften trueVery true
Development conversations are not reserved for annual performance reviews. They happen in the context of the work and are ongoing.
Feedback is expressed and received productively, and seen as a critical component for developing yourself and others.
Everyone has the opportunity to engage in development, regardless of performance or level.
The value proposition is clear and attractive, and the organization has a clear competitive advantage.
Systems are visible, documented, and revisited regularly for improvement. Teams are aligned to repeatable and predictable processes.
Not at all trueRarely trueSometimes trueOften trueVery true
Culture is owned by the entire organization, not the president or CEO.
We have defined organizational values that are defined and actively monitored.
The organization is held accountable to producing the results that meet our desired outcomes.
Results are visible to and shared with the people who can influence them.
When making decisions, we consider a collection of data sets and inputs that offer a more complete vantage point.
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Part 4 of 4

Moving Forward

Your assessment results are based on where you are in your business. Tell us a little more about you so we can personalize your results.

NameBrandon Lair
Name of Your CompanyThe Site Group Inc
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Your roleBusiness Owner or President/CEO
Number of employees in your organization30
You may have heard about Aileron in a few places, but what touchpoint compelled you to reach out?Other
Other way of learning about usI'm part of Aileron already